Contistution / Regulations – Cyprus Skating Federation
Κυπριακή Ομοσπονδία Παγοδρομιών
A. Kudryavtseva - I. Karankevich
Marilena Kitromilis
Cyprus Skating Federation
Βαλκανικοί Αγώνες
Ντανιέλα-Βανέσσα Υψαρίδου - Daniella Vanessa Ypsaridou
Varvara Abramkina
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Contistution / Regulations

In this area there are the documents concerning the operation of the Cyprus Skating Federation Such as the Constitution, the Internal Regulations, circular letters, the Code of Ethics and any other document related to the decisions of the Cyprus Skating Federation.

Constitution of the Cyprus Skating Federation

Using the following link, you can download the Consttuttion of the Cyprus skating Federation, that was adopted and ratified be the General Assembly of 2019 including the amentments of 2020 and 2021.

Criteria of the selection of the National Team – Athletes’ Evaluation

Using the following link, you can download the Criteria of the selection of the National Team and the Athletes’ Evaluation System for the seasons 2024-25 and 2025-26.